Jan 14, 2014

A Long Time Coming

Well hello there blogosphere! My name is Kayla, and I've been an avid blog reader/lurker for years now. Just around 10, to be exact. I started off reading every fashion blog on the internet when dreams of going to fashion school were constantly on my mind. As I've gotten older, my blogs of choice have become a tad more "lifestyle" related (do bloggers even like being associated with a style of blogging?). There are still a few fashion bloggers I follow, but these days I love a good blog filled with recipes, DIYs, and general musings that make me feel like we're real life friends. It's great!

I've had various "blogs" over the past 10 years---mainly ones where I posted outfit of the day photos. (That fashion blog stage lasted for a while there) 

But this one will be different.

The Sweet Wonder is a blog that will be filled with my personal take on everything I love reading on other blogs. There will be food, stories, God, crafts, cats, fitness and gardening. I love all of these things and what better thing to do than share what you love with others?

So let's see how all of these things play out on here; I hope you'll join me!

P.S. I love dogs, too, but that 3rd story apartment life is just not conducive for dogs. One day.

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